Ethiopia Korcha Natural Filter

Nectarine, strawberry yogurt, cocoa pudding



Etiyopya Korcha Natural

Located in Shakiso, Guji, a region that has been drawing increasing attention in recent years, the Korcha processing station is home to 420 registered farmers.
The small farm holders in this region have farms ranging in altitude from 1900 m to 2050 m, which is considered the ideal range for producing quality coffees in this region.
The farmers in this region focus a lot of energy on reusing overripe cherries that fall off the coffee tree by repurposing them as compost for the next harvest.  Additionally, they are spreading this practice to other farms across the region to encourage more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
During the harvest season, the whole family gets involved to ensure the best possible harvest. Each coffee cherry is meticulously hand-picked and carefully sorted to ensure only the ripest cherries make it to the next step. Once sorted, the cherries are then transported to the washing station.

Etiyopya Korcha Natural

Guji Highlands agriculturalists provide technical assistance to farmers who are members of the Korcha station in pre-harvest, at-harvest, and post-harvest processes. This guidance is focused on improving farming practices and ensuring the delivery of high-quality coffee.
Once the ripe coffee cherries are carefully sorted, they are left to dry on raised woven benches for three to four weeks. This careful drying process is crucial for achieving the ideal humidity level and flavour profile of the coffee. From there, the coffee cherries are transported to Addis Ababa and then to the dry mill in the Guji Highlands to prepare for export.
Looking to the future, the Korcha station has plans to install a washer for processing high-quality washed coffee.

Etiyopya Korcha Natural

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