Filter Coffee
Filter coffee machines are essential for offices and kitchens alike. With this compact and convenient machine, you can effortlessly brew one litre of filter coffee in approximately six minutes. Preparing filter coffee is an effortless and consistently delicious option for your daily cup.
60 g
1000 g
Water temperature
Room temperature
Brewing time
5:30-6:00 mins
- Filter coffee machine
- Scale
- Timer
- Filter paper
- Grinder
- Thermos

Start by weighing 60 g of coffee and grinding it to a medium coarseness.
2Place the filter paper in the machine and fill the tank with 150-200 g of water. Run the machine until the tank is empty; this will also help to warm up the equipment.
Before brewing, remember to empty the water in the carafe. You can use this water later to clean your equipment instead of pouring it out.
4Add the ground coffee to the basket and gently tap the sides to create a flat bed of coffee.
Fill the water tank of the machine with 1 L of water. Start your timer when the water starts flowing.
6Remember to note the total brewing time at the end, as it will guide your future brews.
If your machine has a heating plate, transfer the brewed coffee from the carafe to a thermos to prevent it from becoming bitter. Coffee will remain fresh in a thermos for up to 1 hour.